I should have known what was coming when I discovered the girls' secret gas container last Sunday.
This morning it started off with a slight breeze...In the afternoon, after class, I received this message (click link below to hear message).
I will help you with the first words, because they sound a bit blurry.
"Haaidi, we are in our room playing fart tag... (geloof het of niet, 'fart tag' is scheet tikkertje - elk om beurt laat er één) Could you bring us a beer please. With lime. One for each."
I brought them the beer as requested. A bit later, gassy clouds started to show up above the apartment. It looked quite safe at first.
But then the gasses started to mingle...
Jess knew what was going on, so she protected herself from the deadly fumes.
Kimi on the contrary...
One victim is enough, so I took precautions and put a sign on their bedroom door.
Meanwhile Kimi recovered. The farty twins will pay for this one day. You mess with my roommate...
But you now what, despite their gross behaviour, I still love them like crazy!Night night.
Heidi hold your breath
2 opmerkingen:
Je roommates hebben dus een verborgen gastank voor produktie...wij hebben geen tank nodig hoor voor een zelfde resultaat!
Je truc met het touw is indrukwekkend maar zoals je op het thuisfront kunt zien, treedt tmj in je voetsporen....it runs in the family.
Van ironie gesproken !
knuffels xx
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